Hemolytic anemia related to cold aglutine in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus
Case Report
P: 137-139
December 2021

Hemolytic anemia related to cold aglutine in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

J Turk Soc Rheumatol 2021;13(3):137-139
1. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Romatoloji Bilim Dalı, Antalya, Türkiye
2. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Hematoloji Bilim Dalı, Antalya, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 23.02.2021
Accepted Date: 06.10.2021
Publish Date: 22.12.2021


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a well-known disease characterized by autoimmune chronic inflammation and autoantibodies. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA) may develop in <10% of SLE patients due to these autoantibodies. SLE-related AHAs usually develop through warm-type antibodies. Cold antibodymediated haemolytic anemia in SLE is extremely rare and generally unresponsive to glucocorticoid therapy. In this article, a SLE case with cold agglutinin hemolytic anemia, who responded well to steroid treatment, is presented.


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