Psychiatric comorbidities in spondyloartrities
Invited Review
P: 67-72
December 2020

Psychiatric comorbidities in spondyloartrities

1. Güven Hastanesi, Psikiyatri Kliniği, Ankara, Türkiye
No information available.
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Publish Date: 11.12.2020


Spondyloartritis (SpA) are associated with chronic pain, stiffness and fatique. Also because of having chronic and progressive course, SpA cause greater physical disability and impact negatively health related quality of life in so many ways such as social life and working. And the patients are at increased risk of having psychiatric disorders such as depresion and anxiety. The prevelance of mild depression is 38% and prevelance of moderate depression is 15% in the patients with SpA which are higher than the prevelance rates of depression in the general population. Patients with psoriatic artritis have also a high risk for depression (15%-30%), which appears to be greater than for patients with psoriasis and general population. Being female, having pain, longer duration of disease are the risk factors for depression in SpA. Anxiety symptoms are also seen in SpA patients co-occuring with depression. Sleep problems are associated with SpA because of pain, fatique and severity of disease. Physical disability, pain and sleep problems cause a vicious cycle and decrease the quality of life in SpA. This article will provide an overview of the psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, sleep problems in SpA and negative effects on quality of life.


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